Support at Home program, NIDIS, Aged Care Plan or DVA - Information Here

There are changes in 2025; the good news is that Bedezy is available to all programs. 

From 1 July 2025, Support at Home will replace the Home Care Packages Program and the Short-Term Restorative Care Programme. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) will transition to Support at Home no earlier than 1 July 2027 and will continue until it moves to the new program.

A new Assistive Technology and Home Modifications (AT-HM) Scheme is a key component of the Support at Home program and will also commence on 1 July 2025. It will provide eligible participants upfront, separate funding to support them to access the products, equipment, and home modifications to meet their assessed needs and help them to live at home independently for longer. To facilitate this, the AT-HM List outlines the products, equipment and home modifications that Support at Home participants can get through the AT-HM Scheme. It was designed using the Australian-adopted Assistive product – classification and terminology standard (AS/NZS ISO 9999:2023). It also draws from subject matter experts and international human rights instruments, such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (2006).


The ATHM list groups items under five headings:

  • managing body functions
  • self-care
  • mobility
  • domestic life
  • communication and information management
  • home modifications


The AT-HM list does not list specific products; however, the assistive technology for beds and bed equipment is listed under domestic life and would include items such as the Bedezy product you mentioned in your email.  An annual review of the AT-HM List will ensure it remains contemporary. This review will consider emerging technologies and align with any broader government care and support sector developments.

- NDIS participants with an active plan can get Bedezy Mattress Lifter as part of their package. Bedezy is a low-risk & low-cost AT. More details can be found here 
- Aged Care Package recipients can get a Bedezy Mattress Lifter with a health care professional's prescription for the assistance.

- Defence Force Veterans can be assessed to get a Bedezy Mattress Lifter to help at home.  
- Occupational therapists can help clients gain or retain independence with a Bedezy Mattress Lifter. The immediate positive impact is a great help towards a more independent lifestyle.

We want to see participants plan budgets spent on long-term solutions for their living situation. For example, Getting Bedezy as the low-cost, low-risk AT and using money saved on staffing allocations to make beds in another area or for more hours of help in the longer term. 

The government wants to help Aussies stay independent and in their own living space where appropriate for as long as they feel comfortable and can manage independently. Bedezy Mattress Lifter is one assistive technology that helps make that goal a reality.   

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Please fill out the details for the client and the party responsible for funding.

You will get a .pdf copy once your information is complete, and the quote can be accepted via our store or by arrangement. 

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