About Us

Bedezy is a family business based in Wagga Wagga, NSW. 

The idea for the Bedezy Mattress Lifter was inspired by the difficulty of the inventor’s ex-wife with Arthritis and changing sheets on a bed. 

With limited movement in hands and reduced strength from pain, the task of changing sheets had become very difficult, and this problem led to Bedezy's creation. 

This product was initially designed to help arthritis sufferers with making their beds. Arthritis causes a lot of pain, and making a bed can be very painful. With the increase in pain comes reduced strength for many arthritis sufferers. This made the task of lifting the corners of a mattress extremely difficult. 

The Bedezy Mattress Lifter was invented to solve this problem. After many years of testing, we found that many people will benefit from using the Bedezy Mattress Lifter. People who suffer from back pain will find this product helpful as the need to bend and lift a mattress is eliminated with the Bedezy.

Careers will benefit from the time-saving and ease of use with Bedezy. Professional housekeeping staff can benefit from the reduced time to change bedding and eliminate the risk of injury from lifting hotel mattresses.

Make life easier with the Bedezy Mattress Lifter.